jueves, 21 de mayo de 2015

Quiz - Reemex

Dear colleagues,
We want to share with you an interesting Urodynamic case.

You can send us your comments with your diagnostic impression and your therapeutic options.
We do have a clinical and Urodynamic follow-up that will be published in the next weeks.

A 77 year old woman had undergone a Reemex surgery (adjustable sling) 2 weeks before. She had undergone a colposuspension 10 years ago, with recurrence of her incontinence in the last 2 years.

She had a Urodynamic study performed 2 years ago elsewhere that was reported as a stable bladder with leakage with cough and a normal emptying phase, with no postvoid residual.
Her surgeon did not consider to update the study and performed the Reemex procedure without complications.

She had  acute retention after the procedure,  despite Immediate lowering of the sling tension. Due to persistent difficulty, an indwelling catheter was placed and she was referred for Urodynamics after 4 days of bladder cycling:

Uroflowmetry:  no flow was produced .

Cystometric capacity 61 ml
Pdet @ cys cap 33cmH2O
Involuntary contraction causing leakage
V inf
V ura
Q ura
P/F Study
Pdet @ Qmax 32 cmH2O
Qmax 3ml/s
PVR 45 ml

Can you please give us your diagnostic impression?
- Cystometry
- Pressure/ flow study

What treatment would you recommend?


miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2015

QUIZ - Reemex

¡Compañer@s! Os proponemos un caso urodinámico para que nos propongáis que haríais.
En unos días os daremos la respuesta y como evolucionó ;)

Mujer 77a acude a urodinamia por:
Dificultad miccional tras Reemex.
Actualmente portadora de sonda vesical desde hace 4 días.
AMC: colposuspensión hace más de 10 años.

Flujometría: no valorable.

Capacidad cistométrica 61 ml
Pdet en ciscap 33cmH2O
Escape por contracción
V inf
V ura
Q ura
Estudio P/F
Pdet en Qmax 32 cmH2O
Qmax 3ml/s
RPM 45 ml

Comentadnos los hallazgos de:
- Fase de llenado
- Fase de vaciado
¿Qué tratamiento aconsejaríais?